The Importance of Prayer
Prayer is essential part of practicing our faith in God, where we learn more about who God is and who we are through it. Tim Keller describes it as, "Prayer is continuing a conversation that God has started through his Word and his grace, which eventually becomes a full encounter with him.” As a church, we are pursuing God in prayer together. The Bible displays God's power through prayer. We want to embrace encountering God through the prayer. We come together in prayer to lift our people, church, city, country, and world. John Wesley believed that God did nothing that wasn’t in response to prayer.
Weekly Prayer Meeting:
Wednesday at 7pm in the Sanctuary
Helping Kids Pray
Part of how we impress the truths of God onto the hearts of our kids (Deuteronomy 6:7) is through our example. Kids will learn the value of prayer by seeing it lived out in the lives of their parents, leaders, and other adults. but valuing prayer is only the starting point. We need to actually teach our kids how to pray. Below are some ideas on how to get your kids started. Their prayers may be short – perhaps only a few words or a sentence to start – but using tools like these can help them gain confidence in entering into conversation with God through prayer.
Prayer Prompts and Patterns
C.H.A.T. Prayer Pattern (credit to Rachel Wojo)
C: Cheer God on for who He is. What about Him makes you grateful or glad?
H: Humble yourself. Ask God for help to become more like Jesus.
A: Appreciate what God has done. What happened in your life today that you can thank God for?
T: Tell God your needs. Where do you need God to work in your life?
Five Finger Prayer (credit to Tony Kummer)
Thumb: Pray for people who are close to you, like your family and friends.
Pointer Finger: Pray for people who “point the way” in your life, leaders like your teachers or pastors.
Tall Finger: Pray for people in authority, like our local, national, and global leaders.
Ring Finger: Pray for people who are weak, like those who are sick, in poverty, or treated badly.
Little Finger: Pray for your own needs.
“I Can Talk to God” Printable Prayer Prompts for Preschoolers
Prayer Journal Templates​
For older kids who enjoy writing or drawing their prayers, below are a few templates they may find helpful.

Button Prayers (credit to Mina Munns)
Here's what you need: A collection of buttons of different shapes, sizes, and colors – enough for one button for each person praying
Instructions: Have each person hold their button in their hand, then walk through each of the below prompts together.
Feel the hardness of the button and think about people who are going through hard times.
Buttons are used to fasten clothes together. Ask God to bring together people who are fighting, in disagreement, or perhaps even at war. Pray that He will bring peace.
Look at your button and notice how many holes it has . Think of that many things to thank God for.
If you are doing this in a larger group:
​Find someone who has the same color button as you. Thank God together for your family. Ask God for His help to continue to learn to love each other well.
Find someone who has a different button than yours – whether a different size, shape, or color. Thank God for making us different and giving us different gifts.​​
Prayer Prompts and Patterns
Sometimes having something tangible to hold onto during prayer can be helpful for kids. Below are some ideas on how you can use everyday items to guide your prayers.

​Beachball Prayers (credit to Christine Hides and Carolyn Brown)
Here's what you need: A beachball
Instructions: Pray the prayer that matches the color your right thumb lands on when you catch the ball:
Red: Pray for someone​ who is hurt or sick.
White: Pray for someone who needs peace.
Green: Pray for someone who is hungry.
Yellow: Pray for someone who is lonely.
Blue: Pray for someone who is sad.

Skittles Prayers (credit to Wes & Toni Ruth Smith)
Here's what you need: A bag of Skittles (or, with some modifications, M&Ms)
Instructions: One at a time, have each family member pick a Skittle out of the bag. Complete the prompt that corresponds to the color of the Skittle drawn.
Green: Name something you love about your family. Thank God for your family.
Yellow: Name something you learned at school this week. Thank God for your teachers.
Orange: Name something you like about church. Thank God for your pastors and church family.
Purple: Name your favorite part of God's creation. Thank God for creating our world.
Red: Name someone you know who needs help. Thank God for allowing us to join Him in helping others.
Learn More​
For more guidance on leading your kids in prayer and learning how to pray for your family, below are a few resources to get you started.
“Praying Through the Bible for Your Kids” by Nancy Guthrie
“What Every Child Should Know About Prayer” by Nancy Guthrie
“Notes from Jesus” by Mikal Keefer
“Powerful Prayers for Your Family” by David & Heather Kopp